River Levels
The Shenachie gauge is the best one for the Lethen Beats. It is about 9 miles upstream from Dulsie Bridge. Any change in the level at Shenachie takes a few hours to reach Dulsie Bridge.
SEPA have provided web access to many electronic gauges on the rivers of Scotland and their website can be accessed here. SEPA water level stations on the River Findhorn:
Findhorn River Levels - Logie Bridge Water Levels - Shenachie Water Levels
The Shenachie gauge figure can be used as a rough guide to work out high, medium and low levels.
Under 5" is low getting to very low if down to 3"
7" to 10 “ is a good medium height
Anything above 1’2" is getting on the high side
Fishing Equipment
Rod Sizes: On a full river a 13’-15’ rod with 8/9 weight line is best. On a low river a 10’-12’ rod with 7/8 weight is ideal and the new style switch rod fits the bill very well. Avoid using a trout rod and any rod with a line weight under 7 weight as these lighter rods are not suitable for playing salmon quickly which is necessary for a quick release to ensure a good survival rate.
Flies: all popular patterns from size 6 to 14 cover most events. Please avoid using treble hooks. Best practice is to pinch in barbs on single and double hooks. Hitched flies can be very effective throughout the season.
Please note that it is illegal in Scotland to use a knotted net, gaff or tailer.
Ghillie Services
Michael Murdoch lives on Glenferness Estate. Has fished the Findhorn all his life and has a good knowledge of the beats. A professional Ghillie/Guide with nearly 30 years working on Rivers Spey, Naver and Ponoi. Available for weekly bookings or if you require help for just a day or two. Contact Michael on 07493405071 or email : lagganfox@outlook.com
Iain Kelly lives in Forres. He has good knowledge of our beats and is an experienced Findhorn fisherman. If you require assistance for a week or just a day or two, then contact Iain by telephone on 07778 507950 or email: iainkellyghillie@gmail.com
Bill Cottle of Everyman Ghillie Services is a travelling fishing instructor who has a good knowledge of our beats. If you require assistance for a week then contact Bill by email:bill@egsscotland.co.uk or telephone 01889 562745 or mobile 077480 02797.
Glyn Phillips lives near Forres. He is familiar with our beats having fished some of them regularly in the past. If you require assistance for just a day or two, then contact Glyn by email: glynphil@hotmail.com or telephone him on 07891 778111.
Catch & Release
As part of their work to promote catch and release FishPal have produced three short films which promote good handling practice:
Film 1 - Tackle
Film 2 - Planning the River
Film 3 - Catch and Release
Taxi Service
From Airport / Stations to the Lodge or Cottage and return.
Taxi 24/7 Nairn Tel: 01667 459595
Nairn Taxis Tel: 01667 451111
Ticks & Lyme Disease
Please be aware while walking along the beats that ticks may be present in the undergrowth. Whilst not all ticks carry the bacteria which causes Lyme disease, and the risk of catching it is small, it is advisable to take preventative measures and to know what to do if you do get bitten. With this in mind we have provided information in the Lodge and Cottage folders
Buoyancy Aids
On the Findhorn when the weather is very wet the water levels can rise with alarming speed and height. Everybody is advised to equip themselves with an inflatable device. The other advice we offer is to limit wading as in a lot of pools it is totally unnecessary and very often spooks the fish. If you must wade it is suggested that with thigh waders you should never go in deeper than just above the knee and with chest waders never go in deeper than the groin.
Anyone who goes fishing should be aware of the risks of transferring diseases and invasive non-native species (INNS) on clothing and equipment. By practising good biosecurity, you are helping to minimise the spread of non-native species, plant and animal pests, as well as their parasites and diseases.
Check your equipment and clothing for live organisms - particular in areas that are damp or hard to inspect.
Clean wash all equipment, footwear and clothes thoroughly. Use hot water where possible. If you do come across any organisms, leave them at the water body where you found them.
Dry all equipment and clothing at 20˚C (68F) or more for at least 2 days or deep freeze for at least 1 day
A copy of the form will be emailed to you before you fish.
4WD Vehicles
4WD vehicles are strongly recommended for the Dunearn and Daltra Beats. If required they can be hired from:
Aberdeen 4x4 offer a meet and greet service at Inverness and Aberdeen airports where they will meet the customer at Arrivals and get them on their way without any delays. Alternatively, arrangements can be made for the vehicle to be dropped off at Dunearn Lodge/Dulsie Cottage at the start of your week and collected at the end. For Lethen guests they are also offering a 10% discount (quote Lethen 1 as a code when making the booking). For further information contact:
Website: www.aberdeen4x4.co.uk Telephone: 01224 877899
Email: gary.mcbain@aberdeen4x4.co.uk or info@aberdeen4x4.co.uk
Website: www.invernessairport4x4.co.uk Telephone: 01463 709888
Highland Defenders are based in Nairn and specialise in the hire of Land Rover Defenders. Lethen Estate guests are offered 15% off, please use code LETHEN to claim your discount (please note you may be required to confirm your Lethen Estate Booking).
Website: www.highlanddefenders.com Telephone: 01463 575 575
Focus Vehicle Rental. Offer a range of Land Rover vehicles.
Website: www.focusvehiclerental.co.uk Telephone: 01463 709517
Rhino Car Hire offer a range of cars including 4x4's with collection available from Inverness Airport. They will offer a 10% discount for Lethen Estate guests. Website: www.rhinocarhire.com